The Trust is a Charitable and Non Profitable organization. The promotion and objectives of this trust shall involve no activity for earning profit and shall be having a “Non- commercial” or “Non-profit motive”. The properties and income of the trust shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Trust. This Trust is created to help people irrespective of their caste, creed, race, color, sex, religion, status, or nationality.
Objectives of the Trust
Objectives of the Trust shall mean any and/or all the objectives set out hereunder:
5.1. To form a new and better way of life for everyone in the world by promoting, recognizing, and practicing spiritual principles and values. Trust will work on imparting Spiritual principles and discourses either by audio, video, publication of books and by imparting it on TV programs to reach a larger public.
5.2. To sponsor the programs conducted for the promotion of meditation through print media, publications, digital media, social media, or electronic media either through the offline, online, or live modes.
5.3. To Eradicate hunger, poverty, and malnutrition, promotion of health care including preventive health care and sanitation, and making available safe drinking water.
5.4. To guide people in visiting Anapanasati Pyramid Meditation centres everywhere and train them in Anapanasati Pyramid Meditation.
5.5. To publish and propagate meditational experiences and spiritual Transformations extensively.
5.6. To conduct, support, or sponsor any pyramid meditation programs such asDhyanamahachakras, mini Dhyanamahachakras, and any program of such nature by whatever name called.
5.7. To support any mode of media channels by sponsoring the programs pertaining to Pyramid Meditation and encouraging them to do so.
5.8. To promote gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and setting up old age homes, and other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.
5.9. To ensure environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources, and maintaining the quality of soil, air, and water and also to provide food to nature i.e, trees and other creations of Almighty in the form of water and fertilizers so that there will be complete environmental sustainability.
5.10. To construct & renovate the Spiritual Temples(i.e, Pyramids) and allied buildings which are visited and used by the disciples to provide temporary shelter to the needy etc, by raising funds by way of subscriptions, donations, grants, etc, to promote better social understanding and amity among different communities along with general administration and well-being of the same.
5.11. To provide free food with love and affection to all who are doing pyramid meditation or otherwise irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex, status, religion, or nationality.
5.12. To establish, maintain or grantaid to homes for aged and such other establishments for the help and support of aged persons.
5.13. To undertake, organize, establish, promote, set-up, maintain, assist, support and, grant ald to or, facilities pertaining to pyramid meditation, study courses, workshops, conferences, lectures, short term training and other similar activities.
5.14. To edit, print, publish or cause to edit, print, publish books, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, journals, periodicals, pamphlets, brochures, for the Advancement and dissemination of useful, educative and informative materials as to reach the beneficiaries and the well wishers of the Trust.
5.15. To undertake any other activity which are incidental to attain the above objectives but are not inconsistent with the above objects.